Sunday, April 3, 2011

Infant death: Grief and the path to remembrance – Part 1 of 2

Grief can cloud much of the remaining good in life, especially in the period right after an infant death. Here are some suggestions that might help as you move forward on this journey after the death of your infant.

~ By Mayo Clinic staff, Shawna Ehlers, Ph.D.

Infant death is one of the most devastating experiences any parent could face. Nothing can take away the pain or fill the baby's place in your heart — but it may help to acknowledge your grief and share feelings with others who've had similar losses.

Here, Shawna Ehlers, Ph.D., a psychologist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., and an assistant professor of psychology at the College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, answers challenging questions about coping with infant death.

No one wants to talk about my baby's death. How can I feel secure acknowledging my loss? It's important to find social support for your grief. Acknowledging your baby's death — as well as your lost hopes and dreams for the baby's future — is an important part of the grieving process. It's often comforting and therapeutic to connect with other parents who've experienced infant death. This can be done through face-to-face support groups or Web sites devoted to grieving the loss of a baby. Consider professional counseling at any point, especially if you don't feel supported in your grief or you don't notice any improvement within the first six to 12 months.

How can I help my friends and loved ones understand what I'm feeling? Grieving is physically and emotionally exhausting. But friends and loved ones may not understand the intensity of your grief or your need for unconditional support. Focus on spending time with friends or loved ones who offer the type of understanding and encouragement you need. To help others understand what you're experiencing, you may want to share material on infant death from your doctor, support group or helpful Web sites. Avoid being drawn into arguments, however. If you're facing someone who doesn't support your grief, explain that the situation is just too difficult to discuss with him or her. If you ended a much-wanted pregnancy, carried a pregnancy to term knowing the baby wouldn't survive or discontinued life support for your critically ill baby, you may carry an even heavier emotional burden. If others pass judgment on your decision, you may feel isolated and even more desolate. Support from an understanding grief group or professional counselor can be invaluable.

I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster. Is this normal? An infant death is traumatic. You may be plagued with anger or guilt — or perhaps you're tormented by questions that simply can't be answered. All of these emotions are normal. How you handle your emotions is up to you. Remember, everyone copes with grief in different ways. Some parents find solace is creating a memorial for the baby. You may hold a funeral or memorial service, assemble treasured photos, or store a baby blanket or favorite toy. As you come to terms with your feelings, maintain your physical health. Eat healthy foods, include physical activity in your daily routine, and spend time with supportive friends and loved ones.

Part 2 will be continued in our next blog on April 5th, 2011....

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