Monday, May 3, 2010

Preparing for Mothers Day - Part 3 of 9

Celebrating Mother's Day After the Death of a Child (Part 2 of 2)

~ By an contributing writer (

 Use the following suggestions to guide yourself or another mother who has lost a child to try to find ways to celebrate on Mother's Day.

5. Plant a tree on Mother's Day to watch it grow through the years. Take your photo with the tree each year on Mother's Day as a remembrance of your child. Maybe you would prefer to grow a flower garden that would have many colorful blooms that would represent your child's favorite colors. Add a new plant to the garden each Mother's Day in remembrance.

6. Talk to a mother who has lost her child. Many times, people don't talk about the child that died and this makes the mother or parents very sad as they know that their child did exist. Just simply ask them if they would like to talk about their child. Some mothers may really want to talk about their children and others may not. Take the mother a plant or a Mother's Day card.

For those of us who are blessed to have other children - this last suggestion is the most important... too often we become so absorbed with and in our grief that we unintentionally overlook the blessings we still have..

7. Concentrate on your other children on Mother's Day if you have other children.
Write a poem together or plant a flower together and talk to them about their sibling as, no matter how young or old they are, they also feel this tremendous loss.

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